Hitung Mandiri APK

Hitung Mandiri APK v3.0.1 download 2025

v3.0.1 For Android
Updated On:
feb. 14, 2024
25.8 MB
Required Android:
5.0 and Up
Table of Contents (Show)

Hitung Mandiri APK - It is an Android application that assists in securing and overseeing election vote-counting. The app aims to increase election accountability and transparency by allowing users to track vote tallies from polling places to province-level.

Increasing transparency in Indonesia's voting process is the main goal of this app. On election night, observers can identify possible manipulations or fraud early. Its intensive surveillance also serves to ensure that the right procedures and rules are followed. It is important for political parties to have instant access to totals at the precinct, subdistrict, and regional levels to verify that their performance aligns with internal forecasts and simulated results. 

The transparency of Hitung Mandiri's vote-counting procedure facilitates public trust in fair election competition, which is a fundamental component of democratic societies. The likelihood of conflict and instability is reduced when elections are guaranteed to be fair.

Here's How to Use the App

When polls close and preliminary counts are carried out, party agents and observers can submit vote tallies directly from each TPS using the Aplikasi Hitung Mandiri. It is easier to tamper with data at the TPS, sub-district, regency, and provincial levels when totals are readily visible to the public and government. The software also has monitoring tools that send alerts when deviations are detected. As a result, potential problems can be detected earlier.

Features of Hitung Mandiri APK

With this app, you can monitor and input tally results across six different election levels:

  • Elections: Keep an eye on and update the provincial vote totals for the presidential candidates.
  • Regional Representative Council (DPD): tracks votes cast for DPD candidates in each province. 
  • Council of People's Representatives (DPR RI): Monitor the voter turnout at the local level.
  • Vote tallies for seats in the provincial legislature (DPRD): Keep an eye on the vote tallies.
  • DPRD/Regency/City Legislature: Check out the municipal and regional council election results.
  • Status Reports: Receive alerts if the TPS results differ from the higher aggregated results.
  • Moreover, authorised users have access to all incoming election data, and party leaders are able to supervise them.

Advice That Can be Useful

In order to utilise all functionality, authorised users should enter TPS vote totals as soon as possible after polls close and preliminary counts are performed on location. It is easier to spot anomalies if timely information is available prior to the release of local or national vote tallies. In addition to carefully monitoring discrepancy alerts, party agents and observers should, if possible, compare reported issues or inconsistencies to the original physical count documentation. Investigations into possible fraud or manipulation can also be supported by screenshots showing how totals have changed over time.


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